KBC Tools & Machinery

Company Blog

Archive for November, 2011

PUMP UP THE SALES – November 2011

Posted by kbctools on November 4, 2011

Be the best that you can be.  Give it your all.  These are things you hear all the time.  And someone says “I am giving 110%”.  No, no you are not.  There is no such thing.   Every one of us only has 100% to give, and do you give that most of the time?  Really?   Do you go that extra mile for the client all the time?  Do you always follow through and do what you said you would do?  Whether you are the president of the company or the part time toilet cleaner, every position is a reflection of the company you work for.  Be the best you can be in whatever job you do, and your company will out shine any of the competition.

Keep em coming back.  While on the phones, you are the first impression of KBC.  Be polite, be bright and be brief.  When you are polite, you make the customer want to call us again.  When you are bright, you make the customer think about calling us first.  When you are brief, you leave them wanting more and process more orders which adds to the bottom line of more profit for KBC and the opportunity for KBC to stay in business for the next 45 years.  Are you on board? 

In the warehouse, your impression on the customer is going to be the first that they see when their stuff arrives.  Is it pulled correctly?  Is it packed well?  Is it dusted off and looks new?  Is it a package of stuff you would want to receive?  Were all the instructions and notes on the shipper followed?  Yes, sometimes UPS can decimate our packages, but if you give it your all and do the best job possible, the client will be happy with their stuff, with KBC, and will want to come back.

When in Accounting, your impression is probably after the sale, but you are the completion of the sale as it is not truly finished until it is paid for.  Are you polite, concise and detailed with the client to bring the money in?  If we are easy to deal with, fair and honest, the customer will be happy to do business with us and keep on coming back.  Are you being professional with our vendors, paying our bills on time and following all the terms and conditions to keep them wanting to use us for distribution?  It is just a few questions for reflection.

What about our art department and marketing?  The catalog, flyers and website are the first impression of KBC when the potential client is checking us out.  Do we look good?  Are we easy to read and understand?  Are the terms and conditions easy to find?  Are we making it easy on the client so that they will want to return?  If you answered yes to all these questions, then your job is being done to that 100%. 

Let’s not forget purchasing.  Are the items we’re selling things that people will want to buy?  Are we keeping up with the latest technologies?  In order to remain a viable supplier, we will have to keep up with the trends of the industry.  Are you checking out our largest competitors to see what they are up to?  See what they are doing and then let’s go one better. 

Now, put these all together and you have team KBC.  Together we can move mountains.  Divided we are sure to fall.  Are you part of the team?  Are you giving it your all?  We are all an important piece of the machine.  Renew your commitment to be the best and let’s make 2012 the best yet.  Thank you for your contributions.

                                                   C.J. Stoyka, Team California.

Prioritize what you’re doing?  Sounds so simple, but that is not always so.  You can always type your orders, fill out dropships, get information the clients requested, and do your side projects your boss gave you on your time that is when there are not customers waiting for help either on the phones or at the front counter.  Try your best to not make the customers wait for you to explain how to use a tool, before helping the one who knows what they want or actually phoned their order in ahead of time.  If you know you can get someone in and out, or a quick order over the phone, don’t put them on hold while you help someone who needs a lot of attention, or does not know quite what they need.  The trick is just making sure not to ignore those needing more help; usually they will understand that in exchange for our “wisdom”, we need their patience.  Make answering ringing phones and helping the easy customers at the counter your priority.  Lastly, always set your own goal to try to beat.  Sure, KBC has one, but you should also have one of your own.  Mine is always beat C.J. in sales every month.  Try to come up with your own and see how you do.

                                                            Anthony Fields,   Team California


Smile as loudly as you can.

        Don’t let opportunity knock on a locked door.

               Live! Love! Laugh! And Sell Tools!


                              Sell, sell, sell!

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Posted by kbctools on November 4, 2011

To All AR Teams

November 2011

Pump Up the AR

“If I owe you a dollar, I have a problem; but if I owe you a million, the problem is yours”
                                                                                                -John Maynard Keynes

I had three customers file bankruptcy this year and they were customers who have been doing business with KBC Tools for many years. While we can’t predict when or which customers will file bankruptcy, we can watch for signs of possible financial problems: 

  • Mistakes on checks – no signature, mis-matched information, post-dated checks

(when entering cash, get in the habit of looking over checks and making sure they are filled in completely and correctly)

  • Too many requests for invoice copies

(not only is this a stall tactic but it’s a waste of our time especially when the request was sent to multiple KBC-ians)

  • Missed payments or frequently delinquent accounts

(Can you change repeat sloooow payers to credit card or prepaid terms?)

  • Rumors of missed vendor payments &/or late/bounced paychecks to employees

(keep an ear out for rumors from suppliers, customer employees, and other contacts in the industry)

  • High employee turnover or fleeing mid-upper management

(are you speaking to someone different when you call back or is “shop manager Joe”, who you dealt with for five years,  not working there anymore?)

  • They refuse to call you back, refer you to someone else, avoid you at all costs, and/or are always in meetings (send 10 day demand, collection agency) 

If you have a customer on AR hold, remember to contactMichiganso we don’t ship the customer any more product. If the customer is in collections, make sure to cancel any backorders!                                                                          

         “Gratitude is the Best Attitude”

Thank your customers!

When I’m out and about, I’m always amazed at just how few salespeople offer a sincere word of thanks.

Please make sure to thank all of our customers even when you are making AR calls. I try to jot a quick thank you on invoices and statements periodically. 

  • Thank you for keeping your payment promise
  • Thank you for taking care of this
  • Thank you for your help with this
  • Thank you for your attention to this matter
  • Thank you for bringing this to my attention
  • Thank you for your business
  • Thank you for always being such a great payer

 Everyone have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!!

  From Michelle & TeamChicago

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