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Archive for April, 2012


Posted by kbctools on April 10, 2012


The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth!

APRIL 2012


What’s that old saying, “the truth shall set you free”?  Well, truth is I just plain forgot it was my turn in the barrel to write the Pump Up the A/R.   And when a customer tells us the truth, it usually Does set their order free – free from being on Hold.  It’s sometimes easier to tell when someone is telling the truth, as opposed to a lie.  Years of experience working in this Department, develops some really great gut instincts.  And, I would imagine a long list of excuses heard on a regular basis.

The more questions you ask, the quicker you will get to the truth of the matter.  When our customers lie about why we have not gotten paid yet, they’re hoping that we will accept what they are saying and drop the subject.  Our job, our A/R Team, needs to Ask, Ask, Ask!  The more questions you ask, the more uncomfortable they become, and eventually sending a check becomes much more appealing to them than having to answer more questions – and having to think up some more excuses!

Listed below are some of the most common Excuses you have already heard, or are apt to hear eventually.  When you read them, Think about how you have responded to them in the past, and better yet, how you Will respond to them in the future.

  • Our computers are down and we cannot print check right now
  • We never got an Invoice
  • We must have misplaced the Invoice
  • The infamous, The check is in the mail!
  • No cash flow due to an illness and medical bills
  • We only print checks once a month (and it’s usually said on the 1st and they print on the 30th!)
  • We are having serious Cash Flow problems
  • We’re expecting a large check from a big job; we’ll pay you as soon as we receive it
  • Our customers are Not paying, so we can’t pay you until they pay us!
  • Our Boss is out of town and no one else can sign checks
  • We returned merchandise and are Not paying until we get a credit
  • We need proof of delivery Before we can pay
  • We can Only pay from an original Invoice, not a Fax copy
  • Accounts Payable is on vacation this week
  • I show we don’t owe anything???

If you have any that you seem to hear quite often, please, Share them with the Team!  There’s an old Yiddish Proverb, “a half truth is a whole lie”.  Learn to separate them; recognize them; STOP them in the middle of the lie.  For example, when they say “our computers are down and we cannot print a check…..” let them know that our computer goes down too, and we just type or hand write a Manual one – the bank doesn’t care!  While they’re telling you they did Not get an Invoice, tell them “No problem, I just pressed the button and a copy will be in your inbox in just a few minutes!”  When they give you the old “the Boss is out of town and no one can sign a check…..”, your immediate response, “not to worry, we don’t require a signature for a credit card given over the phone!”   The bottom line, you’ve got to Think Quick, and Answer Immediately!!

Preparation is key in the department.  In other words, do your due diligence BEFORE you make a collection call.  Know the history of the account.  Are they a repeat offender?  Do they have a history of promises and if so, were they kept or broken??  Have they used the same excuse on more than one occasion? (and this is where Good detailed note keeping comes into play – these Good notes will help in future credit decisions and if need be, may be invaluable in litigation!).A Good Memory doesn’t hurt either.  I’m always amazed when here in MI, I ask Jenny about a particular account and she Immediately punches up the account number from memory; and, she can tell you just about anything you need to know about the account too.  When it’s something to do with a Credit for a Return, shipping, etc., I make sure I’m asking in earshot of Sharon – whether she was involved or not, if she saw it, touched it, or just overheard a conversation about it, she Will Remember and almost always knows something about it! She also knows the customers who Return merchandise on a regular basis.You get the idea.  Know who and what you are dealing with, put notes in the computer, retain as much info. as possible and be Prepared for what they may throw at you.

It’s also important to be sure that you are talking to the right person(s).  Identify right away who it is that you Need to speak with.  Too many times they’ll try to brush you off telling you that you need to talk to the bookkeeper.  Well, find out Who the bookkeeper is – get a name and ask for a Direct Dial number or extension, and even what their hours are.   If you have made a couple of calls already and can’t seem to get them And have had No return call from them, you most likely are Not going to hear from them.  It’s time to go higher up, and explain that you have had No response and Must speak to someone in Authority now.  There’s no need to yell or raise your voice; and you should NEVER, under any circumstances, swear.  Never let it become personal. Don’t threaten, but in a professional business-like attitude it’s ok to politely let them know that legal action is your recourse if someone will not speak with you to resolve the situation.  Long conversations probably mean the customer is stalling you, or trapping you in the buddy syndrome.  Remember, the object of your call is to Collect Money, or get a Commitment, Not to become buddies with the customer or win arguments.  Although, it doesn’t hurt to be just a bit chummy with the person paying the bill!  It’s said that user friendliness can disarm even the most cantankerous accounts payable manager!  Remember to say Thank you, or as I always say, “Thank you, my friend!”

To avoid some of the headaches later, be Proactive!  With new accounts, especially if large amounts of money are involved, be sure to make it clear that Prompt payment is Expected.  Train the customers from the inception of the relationship.  Clearly explain Due Dates and Collection Policies to new customers as soon as the first payment becomes One day past due!  If the new account is slow from the get go, tactfully jump all over it!

There are other ways to be Proactive too.  Make sure that your Invoices are correct the first time they are printed.  If not emailing and/or faxing, make sure Invoices are printed and mailed Immediately.  Believe it or not, some companies take a week or more to get invoices in the mail, and then their customers start the clock running Not until the invoice hits their desk – Not on the Invoice date.  Identify recurring problems with a particular customer and get involved (and get others involved if need be) in resolving the problem, even if it’s something outside the credit department.  Anticipate, wherever possible, the customer’s needs.  And at the same time, become the squeaky wheel that gets paid first.  Begin follow-up efforts Earlier – Don’t Procrastinate or wait for things to resolve themselves.

There is an old saying in the credit profession that says, and I quote, “A sale is a gift until the invoice is paid”.  It is the job of our A/R Team to turn those gifts into sales.  The longer an account is on past due and on Hold, the less likely it is that it will be recovered.  Communication is key.  Communicate Immediately with a past-due customer.  Be Proactive, Professional, Positive, and Prepared, and finally, you Will be PAID!


Your Belated, but Beloved,



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PUMP UP THE SALES – April 2012

Posted by kbctools on April 10, 2012

To: Team KBC

From: Paula

April 2012

Awesome April!

Pump Up The Sales

Yeah, yeah!  So you asked one or two clients a few weeks ago if they wanted the Spiff of the week, and they said no.   From there you decided it was just easier not to bother ‘cause you didn’t sell any.  Guess what?  Since then you haven’t sold any Spiffs….and you won’t if you don’t ask.

Rather than thinking yourself into defeat, go for it!  Ask, ask, and ask till you get a YES!  Do you think my children ever give up on the idea that if they ask me just one more time that we will have ice cream for dessert, a movie after dinner, buy a pack of gum, get to wear the super short shorts to school, etc?  Hope is eternal.  Keep yours burning bright!

Here’s your new mantra for this point forward as to The SPIFF of The Week: Some clients will buy. Some won’t.  So what.  Next!

p.s.Which branch can sell the most Spiffs during the month of April?  We challenge you!




Practice, Practice, Practice Makes Perfect

Our new computer system is coming on board quicker than you think.  We are currently scheduled for a go live the beginning of August.  Holy moly, that’s only 4 months away.

Many of the managers and branches have already begun training using the on line system as well as in our play database.  If you haven’t, you soon will be.  You need to make sure that you are taking enough notes so that you understand the information.  Elaina has provided you with screen shots for most of the classes along with notes, but you still need to make your own notations to better help you understand.

Then, once you’ve taken your classes, you get to try the system out.  We can input clients, orders, quotes, invoices, credit notes, cheques, and more in our play system.  The more you can do before we go live, the better you will be able to do your job once we go live.

We will not be running two parallel systems, so that means, once we’ve changed, we’ve changed.  No looking back.  No safety nets.  We have to be able to answer the phone or help the client at the counter, let the client know the stock situation, enter the order, pull it, pack it, ship it, and invoice it.  Our clients are counting on us, and we’re counting on you!

Check with your manager to see if you are on schedule.  (Managers check with Elaina (U.S.) and Karen (Canada) to make sure your team is on track for success.

We are also currently working on procedure manuals for each area.  Julie, Kris, Marg, Kathy, Greg, Lynne, C.J., Michelle, Dorothy, Ryan, Gasper, Phil, and Sharon are all busy getting these together so we have something in our hand to help guide us. Thanks team!

Remember: all of your hard work is certainly worth it – it’s the prep work, kind of like sharpening your axe (see the story following).  We will have a new system that will make our jobs easier, able to make our clients happier, and have more information at our finger tips.  All of that will make KBC a stronger, better company for all of us.  We’ve waited a long time to get to this level of computerization, and although big change can be both scary and hairy, we’re going to be better for it.

Thanks for your efforts.  Thanks for going back to “school” and learning new things.  Thanks for slugging through it and keeping a smile on your face and optimism in your heart. – You’re great!

Hey you!  Listen up!    

Our clients* are talking, but are we really listening? (*insert here any of the following: children, co-worker, manager, significant other, parent, friend, etc.)

Every day we hear people sigh with resignation, raise their voices, rush off the phone, abruptly finish a discussion, or tell you their frustrations, but are you really listening?  If you really listen you can work with them on all those things.

Acknowledge what you hear.  “Hey sounds like you are frustrated with that.  What do you suggest we do?”

A problem is a golden nugget.  Someone has just given you an idea how to make them happy by solving his/her problem.

Don’t answer before you hear the question.  (Yes, I in particular am guilty of this one.  I think I know where the other person is going even before I’ve been told.  Sometimes I am right, but certainly not always.)  Let them have their say! Listen!!

Just because you are not interrupting doesn`t mean you are truly listening.  Ever been speaking with someone and you are just waiting for him tostop so that you can say what you’re holding in your head?  Well, then you’re not really listening.  If you were really listening, you would wait for whoever you are speaking with to finish before you figure out what you want to say….. in response to what they said.

Listen up!  The more you listen, the more you learn, the more opportunities you have for selling more, the more scenarios you have for making your clients happy and coming back.


Have an awesome April!  Keep watering and fertilizing the flowers/clients, but don’t smother them in anything that resembles B.S.

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